B.T Morra

بازی سنگ٬ کاغذ٬ قیچی رو که حتما همه بلدید حالا این بار این بازی رو از طریق موبایل انجام بدین.
Bluetooth MORRA - The Rock Paper Scissors Game
Bluetooth "Rock Paper Scissors MORRA" for Nokia Series 60 is exactly the same as the original most popular decision making Chinese Morra game on the planet. Now it is available as 2-player game over Bluetooth connectivity. The game is played by substituting the standard hand signal of Rock, Paper and Scissors with digital symbols.
Throws Score System:
Player has the full range of throws to play, as follows:
1) Rock wins against scissors and equal score against itself
2) Paper wins against Rock and equal score against itself
3) Scissors wins against paper and equal score against itself
How to play:
1) Press "Play" and start Search for the opponent User to play against you via Bluetooth
2) A list of Users available within the range, is displayed.
3) User can then select one opponent User name from the list to start the Game. Opponent will receive your invitation to play
4) Once the other User accepts your invitation, the RED bulb in top right corner turns GREEN.
5) Both players can now start playing. Individual turn throws are marked by the Text "YOU" and "REMOTE", meaning players or opponent?s turn.
6) On each Users turn throw, He/She can select one of the three options and send. He/she then waits for the opponent to select and send.
7) Game finishes when one of the Players reaches the Max score
برش دهنده فایلهای MP3
با استفاده از این برنامه میتونید از روی فایلهای MP3 تکه برداری کنید
پخش کننده فایل های صوتی AAC
AACPlayer v1.01
AACPlayer is an AAC/MP4 audio player for Symbian Smartphones, supports skins, stereo playback, Bluetooth headsets
- English, German, Italian, Spanish, Russian, Hungarian;
- plays AAC audio encoded files (in .AAC files or in .MP4/.MPA
container), supporting Low Complexity (LC) profile;
- stereo, 44.1kHz playback (if phone supports it);
- playlist lists all AAC/MP4 files on device;
- displays author, title, bitrate, frequency and mono/stereo;
- displays time elapsed and the length of the track;
- volume control;
- fast forward and rewind;
- Bluetooth audio (excl. Siemens SX-1, Nokia 7650);
- skins.
Version History
1.01 - List and play files encoded using Winamp.
1.00 First release
Nokia 7650, 3600, 3620, 3650, 3660, NGage, 6600, 6620, 7610
Nokia 6670, 6680, 6681, 6630, 3230
Siemens SX-1
Sendo X
Panasonic X700
ارسال پیام در زمان دلخواه
با استفاده از این برنامه می تونید پیام های مورد نظرتون رو طوری برنامه ریزی کنید که در ساعت دلخواه شما ارسال بشه
SmsTimer Description :
Sms Timer can send messages with 765 chars with multiple choice of recipients to a free defined point of time.
The receiver of the message is selected over the standard phonebook or an individual No. is entered. The standardized search function is present.
T9-Dictionary, special charakters and cut/copy/paste are likewise present. The program offers the possibility of dispatching up to 765 characters at any time.
Up to dispatching the SMS waits in the output box for sending at wanted point of time. At time of real sending, sms timer must not be opened, but the phone must be on.
Free language packs you can download(also for trial):
http://www.smart- development.com
Sms Timer is easy to use:
If you select "Send SMS" the actual send process will go on with starting the phonebook. The choice of a recipient happens about phonebook or giving in a number via "Another no". For looking for a name, enter the first character of it and a input field for this looking is presented. You arrive the editor for entering your message text. Here you have three possible choices: Cancel for going back to the phonebook (Text remains), cancel the whole procedure (you arrive the start point of program) or OK to come to the input for sending date and time. In this version you're able for using the function of T9 completely. Also cut, paste and special chars functions in editor are integrated. The buttons of selections have been changed. In the editor you decide about going Back (see above) or OK like the previous version. Default of date and time are the current system time.
Version information :
In this version you can send a message to more recipients.
Also you can change recipients before sending the message.
12/28/04 Version 1.40 New --> Update and small bug-fix
Multiselect for recipients
Add/Delete recipents
new language packages (German, French, Greek, Italian, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Tagalog, Hungarian, Serbian, Filipono, Czech, Simple Chinese, Arabic)
small bugfixes
03/12/04 Version 1.30 --> Update and small bug-fix
One version for all nokia series 60 phones
message description and alias in outbox/send items
performance update
correct phonebook sorting
language packages -
small bugfixes
12/13/03 Version 1.20 --> Update
largeSMS, up to 765 character
charcounter in editor
new user friendly phonebook view
user friendly runtime
better user guidance
10/22/03 Version 1.10 --> Update and small bug-fix
timed SMS was send one minute to late
new big Texteditor
t9 support
special character table support
user friendly runtime
better User guidance
Compatible devices :
این برنامه ی خیلی خیلی جالب همینطور که می بینید بسیار ساعت زیبا و خشکلی داره...
البته از امکانات دیگر این برنامه میشه به سیتم نمایش وضعیت ماه و خورشید و تایمر و... اشاره کرد ولی خود ساعتش که خیلی خوشگله.... من تاحالا ساعتی به خوشگلی این ندیده بودم... شما چطور؟
بهترین امکانات: وقتی در روی صفحه ی اصلی گوشی دکمه ی PEN را بگیریم ساعت بشکل زیر نشون داده میشه: و وقتی ول کنیم ول میشه
نرم افزار Symantec Mobile Security 4.0 تهیه شده توسط شرکت معتبر سایمانتک، جهت محافظت از موبایل شما در برابر تهدید ویروسها و برنامه های مخرب می باشد.
به گفته ی سایمانتک این برنامه یک دیواره آتش مستحکم برای موبایل های سری 60 و 80 می باشد